How much does ITEX cost to join?
Contact our office for reduced special pricing and mention you saw our web page.
How long has ITEX been in business?
Since 1982.
Where can I use my ITEX dollars?
With any ITEX Member locally or throughout North America.
Are the sales I perform on ITEX reportable to any Tax Agency?
Yes, they are. At the end of each year ITEX will provide you with a 1099-B showing all recordable sales. It is up to you to report your earnings to the proper tax agencies.
Do I have control over what I sell and how much on ITEX
Since 1982.
How do I find what is available on ITEX?
Once you are a member you will have access to all directories, market place ads, account information and many other great tools to help you with your ITEX membership. Everything is accessible on line at
How is our Business promoted to other ITEX members locally or nationally?
Once you are a member, we promote you to our local membership base and nation wide if applicable. Your business is included in the directory, for all to see if applicable. We also provide Weekly Hot Shots to our Local Members announcing local and national news and hot deals
How do I track my sales and purchases through ITEX?
By logging into your account information on line you can access all information regarding sales and buys. You are also emailed a statement of account at the end of every billing cycle. Billing cycles are every 28 days.
How do I price my products or services on ITEX?
Fair Market Retail is recommended. We do not allow price gouging or over inflated pricing. We do not expect discounting unless warranted by the member
How do I join ITEX in Houston and when can I start Bartering my products or services?
Contact our office for reduced special pricing and mention you saw our web page.